Ricerca scientifica BFR Blood Flow Restriction - BFR Italia - Blood Flow Restriction Training Rehab Specialist

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Owens Recovery Science (USA) è leader mondiale nella formazione e nella ricerca EBM nel Personalized Blood Flow Restriction ( PBFR ).

In questa pagina troverai una lista della letteratura introduttiva alla PBFR suddivisa per argomenti e una lista dei trials clinici attualmente in corso
Il corso ORS per la certificazione in Personalized BFR Training Rehab Specialist tratta in modo approfondito la ricerca e l’evidenza sulla PBFR


Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Rehabilitation
Introductory Literature

Loenneke, J. P., Thiebaud, R. S., & Abe, T. (2014). Does blood flow restriction result in skeletal muscle damage? A critical review of available evidence. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 24(6), e415-422.

Clark, B. C., Manini, T. M., Hoffman, R. L., Williams, P. S., Guiler, M. K., Knutson, M. J., Kushnick, M. R. (2011). Relative safety of 4 weeks of blood flow-restricted resistance exercise in young, healthy adults. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 21(5), 653-662

 Clinical Conditions/Post -Surgical
Tennent DJ, Hylden CM, Johnson AE, Burns TC, Wilken JM, Owens JG. Blood Flow Restriction Training After Knee Arthroscopy: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2017 May 1;27(3):245-52.

Ohta H, Kurosawa H, Ikeda H, Iwase Y, Satou N, Nakamura S. Low-load resistance muscular training with moderate restriction of blood flow after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. 2003 Jan 1;74(1):62-8

Hughes L, Paton B, Rosenblatt B, Gissane C, Patterson SD. Blood flow restriction training in clinical musculoskeletal rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Mar 4:bjsports-2016.

Loenneke JP, Wilson JM, Marin PJ, et al. Low intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta- analysis. Eur J Appl Physiol.2012; 112(5):1849–59.

 Strength and Hypertrophy:
Scott, B. R., Loenneke, J. P., Slattery, K. M., & Dascombe, B. J. (2014). Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction: An Updated Evidence-Based Approach for Enhanced Muscular Development. Sports Med. doi: 10.1007/s40279-014-0288-1

Nielsen JL, Aagaard P, Bech RD, Nygaard T, Hvid LG, Wernbom M, Suetta C, Frandsen U. Proliferation of myogenic stem cells in human skeletal muscle in response to low‐load resistance training with blood flow restriction. The Journal of physiology. 2012 Sep 1;590(17):4351-61.

Abe, T., Fujita, S., Nakajima, T., Sakamaki, M., Ozaki, H., Ogasawara, R., Ishii, N. (2010). Effects of Low- Intensity Cycle Training with Restricted Leg Blood Flow on Thigh Muscle Volume and VO2MAX in Young Men. J Sports Sci Med, 9(3), 452-458.

Ozaki, H., Brechue, W.F., Sakamaki, M., Yasuda, T., Nishikawa, M., Aoki, N., Ogita, F. and Abe, T. (2010) Matabolic and cardiovascular responses to upright cycle exercise with leg blood flow reduction. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 9, 224-230

 BFR in the Elderly
Fry CS, Glynn EL, Drummond MJ, Timmerman KL, Fujita S, Abe T, Dhanani S, Volpi E, Rasmussen BB. Blood flow restriction exercise stimulates mTORC1 signaling and muscle protein synthesis in older men. Journal of applied physiology. 2010 May 1;108(5):1199-209.

Abe, T., Sakamaki, M., Fujita, S., Ozaki, H., Sugaya, M., Sato, Y., & Nakajima, T.
(2010). Effects of low- intensity walk training with restricted leg blood flow on muscle strength and aerobic capacity in older adults. J Geriatr Phys Ther, 33(1), 34-40.

 Growth Hormone:

 Effects of bone:

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